Andrea Pierri
Creative Filmmaker
Graphic design and series of music artists' portraits for "Inside the Sounds", a workshop with Medeski Martin & Wood by Creative Music Studio, Woodstock, NY.
Creative direction: Andrea Pierri
Graphic design & Artworks: Andrea Pierri
Medeski Martin & Wood
Creative Music Studio
Billy Martin
Charmaine Lee
Chris Wood
Gabby Fluke Mogul
Ingrid Sertso
Jamaaladeen Tacuma
John Medeski
Karl Berger
Leyla McCalla
Ra Kalam Bob Moses
Shelley Hirsch
Vernon Reid
Will Calhoun
Andrea is easily in my top 5 experiences working with an artist. In my work and my life, I'm surrounded by truly talented artists. It is rare to find someone who has that combination of both a unique artistic voice and the flexibility to adapt it to a project they can't control. On top of it, Andrea is simply a pleasure to work with. But to drive it home: Andrea was kind enough to jump in last minute on our first project together, with no time to do any research or sit with the project, and yet he delivered truly brilliant work.
Mitch Van Dusen
Production at Creative Music Studio
27 Apr 2021