Andrea Du Plessis Senior Graphic Designer & Illustrator


For this project I was commissioned by the Fuzzy Logic team to illustrate three pages from the Hansel & Gretel fairy-tale for an augmented reality children’s storybook. The brief was to work in a paper theatre style to create a feeling of depth. The challenge was to create compositions with interactivity in mind and to create elements that could easily be converted into “sprites” for Unity.

The Concept:

Two-dimensional illustrations will be printed in a book, alongside the text telling the story. The book is sold with an app which allows children to view the illustrations through a tablet or smartphone, and the scene comes to life, popping out like a 3 dimensional paper theatre, complete with 3D animated characters and an animated environment.

The process:

In the gallery I am showing the process involved in creating the three. An outline sketch is done to plan the composition and concept. Secondly a rough colour study is done to plan the colour scheme and tonal values, and the last step is to texture the sketches in Photoshop. To achieve the watercolour paper effect, some areas where traditionally illustrated with pencils and watercolour, which was then digitally manipulated in Photoshop. Individual elements were then cut out and exported as “sprites” for composting into Unity.

An augmented reality experience:

Stories to Life allows readers to use their phone or tablet to enter each illustration as an immersive, three dimensional animated experience like no other. We believe this could be the future of education, making reading more magical and engaging than ever.


  • Fuzzy LogicClient

Stories To Life - An augmented reality experience

