The company has grown and changed so much in the last two years, that our old brand no longer reflected our work, vision or ambition. Through a lot of blood, sweat, tears, fears and beers we’ve finally unveiled our brand new look.

This website is the heart of our new brand positioning, it helps explain our purpose – Branding For The Power Of Good. We’ve been increasingly working on ‘good’ projects that are driven by sustainability, environment, social good, food and education. They are such important causes and we’re at such a crucial point in history with the climate crisis, that we felt we had to step up and put our flag in the sand.

We’re dedicated to doing some good in the world, to use our creativity for change.

We’ve gone through a complete rebrand with a new logo, stationery, literature, office branding, internal comms and a sparkly new showreel video (see below). The team are very proud of it. We’ve also unleashed a raft of new case studies and redesigned our website, have a nose around and see the amazing causes and briefs we’ve been tackling. It’s ALLGOOD.

ALLGOOD Branding

