Alison Eddy Creative Director


Created in celebration of 50 years of Amnesty International, focusing on their work empowering women globally.
The imperfection of the resin plates contrasts with the quality of undiminished spirit captured inside. Peel back cultural differences and revealed is the uniting strength and vitality of women worldwide, capturing a sense of human transcendence in the face of adversity.

A3, landscape. Film encapsulated in resin plate. Photographed in situ. Printed on quality birch-ply, 8 mm thickness.

Thank you to all the kind folk who lent or donated imagery, making it a heart-warming international venture; Gunnar Salvarsson, Onemama, Andrea Erdna Barletta, Nancy Fewtrell, Ian Brodie, Jane at Savvy graphics, Alanna Hinds.

Who pooled - Amnesty international