Alina - Alexandra Caprian Production Designer


Concept design sketch for the comedy " D'ale carnavalului " (Only during a Carnival) written by the gratest romanian theatre dramaturg, Ion Luca Caragiale .

A short resumee of the play:
Nick Bauble, barber and dentist, is an insatiable slum Don Juan. One girlfriend, Mimi, is not enough for him. He also wants, and gets, Didina. But this skirt chasing doesn’t come without quite a few problems. One problem is that both Mimi and Didina already have their steady sugar daddies in their lives. Another, bigger problem is that Didina’s steady man Jessop Panache is a violent man, who is now searching for Nick to... fix his wagon... And last, but not least, Mimi is a super-jealous lover and a revolutionary to boot, and has decided to pay Nick back for his infidelity by throwing a bottle of acid into his face.
And on top of it all, the carnival is coming, and all the characters above will put on their masks and their constumes and dance the night away ...
Will our romantic barber find a way out of this labyrinth of problems? Leave it to the great puppet master, Ion Luca Caragiale, to weave a head-spinning web of intrigue... "

Along with a group of 4 other colleagues, a part of my team from "CEVA BUN" (Director, Director of photography, Actor and a Carpenter) we came with the idea of actually making a movie out of it instead of doing a play. The main concept is the SCANDAL TV SHOWS, the majority people crave for gossip, they want to see how other people are doing and if the case is funny they'll make fun of it and it's even more entartaining.

All the renders are done in Cinema 4d

Only during a Carnival - concept render

