About me

Art and Multimedia Project Manager and event curator based in the UK, specialised in documentary photography and feminist visual culture. 10+ years of experience in theory and techniques of visual multimedia communication, managing independent, profit, non-profit, public and private sector.
With a background in Fine Arts, I'm passionate about using my expertise to help clients harness the power of still and moving images to communicate their cause powerfully.
Culture & Arts Management with a focus on Social Change and Human Rights

Photography editing and visual communication/storytelling builder and analyser, also experienced in article and report writing both in different languages (Italian, English and Spanish)

I've tackled the complexities of Data Protection for visual documentary purposes
Skilled in Customer Service, Indesign, Asana ( + other project management tools), Indesign, Lightroom, Premiere, Canva, Google tools, Asset management, and open call writing.
Negotiation and moderation skills.
Self-motivated and well-organised individual with the ability to work flexibly as a solo or as part of a team. I am an excellent timekeeper who is able to work well in a fast-paced dynamic environment and can
cope well with changing priorities.
Creative thinking and problem-solving.

I am a visual artist with a BA in theory and technique of multimedia visual communication and an MA in photo-documentary. I work in between the educational and cultural production sectors. Alysvisualart is an online project that was born under pandemic conditions but is giving good results in terms of connections between people and artistic-cultural realities.
I work both with schools as an educator, as a tutor for the department of education delivering the National Tutoring Program, and as an independent documentary photographer supported by the NGO femLENS of which I am an ambassador both here in the UK and in Italy. I also write and photograph for the Society and Culture columns at Ecointernazionale since 2018. In the past years, I also worked as an independent curator, editor, and project/event designer in collaboration with the Municipality of Palermo, Omero Museum, and femLENS.
My dream is to open a multifunctional centre in the cultural field that can bring together the specificities of the territories with artistic research and cultural development in an environmentally sustainable way, and that is able to self-finance without the blackmail of state funding, which is almost always inaccessible to experimental ideas. I am a feminist who believes in cultural resistance and I question visual art and feminism equally in terms of today's imagocracy lived passively due to a lack of visual education.


Curating, Customer Services, Editing, Event Design, Event Management, Exhibition Design, Fine Arts, International, Journalism, Languages, Management, Multimedia, Negotiation, Performing Arts, Photo Editing, Photography, PR, Problem Solving, Project Design, Quality Control, Social Media, Teaching / Lecturing, Team Management

Sector Experience

Arts, Audio / Visual, Curation, Education, Event Organisers / Management, Exhibitions, Film (Short / Documentary), Galleries & Studios, gender gap, Magazines & Comics, Museums, New Media, Newspapers, Photography, Politics, Research & Development, Social Network / Community


I-mode vision - Academy of Fine Art of Macerata Award


Hogarth WW

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time, Remote
Greater London, UK, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight, Senior
Italian, English, spanish
Creativepool member since 5 June 2020