Alex Miranda Cruz Film Director


Commissioned by Madison Gas and Electric for their Living In Balance initiative to show what sustainability and energy efficiency looks like in their community, "The Land Is Our Lifeline" depicts the life of the married couple, Mee and Chuechoular Moua, organic farmers in Madison with an incredible story to citizenship. This project consisted of video, photography, and web design to tell their story.

To tell this story authentically, I sought to film in their original language of Hmong. This added another layer of complexity to our production as we had to have an interpreter while filming and for post-production. Another layer of complexity was finding creative solutions to make Wisconsin look like Vietnam. I took extra steps to film in the wooded areas of Madison, and for scenes, I could not film I found stock footage. For production, we went with vintage Nikon prime lenses with a tilt-shift adapter to add a visual style rarely seen.

In addition to the client loving the final product, the video performed extremely well on their facebook page with no paid advertising and organic reach only, "The Land Is Our Lifeline" became one of the most successful videos for Living In Balance.

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