Adrian Penu Freelance UX Designer/​ Engineer


NOTE: Based on the ideas and designs presented in this project, I'm looking for collaborations with illustrators, designers or marketers.

Drawing always had prevalence as an artistic expression in my student years, but as I matured I wanted to use a more permanent and expressive medium, acrylic and oil. After finishing my XYZ project, the lockdown of 2020 happened and without a studio I had to find a new way of artistic expression. The new way turned out to be the old way, going back to my roots as a comic book cartoonist. Picking up a brush and using ink and a ballpoint pen, I've decided to experiment with concepts and ideas that I haven't applied in my paintings. The result is a series of sketches using contemporary ideas of composition and image juxtaposition combined with scribbles of geometry and trigonometry problems intended to give a technical textbook look and the sense of 'convivir' between art and science.


Project featured: on 18th November 2020 Contributor:

Adrian Penu has been a Contributor since 29th June 2020.

Invite x3

DEATHROW : The InkCartel

