Adrian Buciuman Android Developer


American Trivia is an interactive game specially developed for users from the United States of America and not only.
Our trivia quiz will help you to learn new things and develop your general knowledge.
It contains over 1000 questions from categories like General Knowledge, US History, US Geography, US Baseball, US Movies, US Music and many others...
Every category has a certain number of levels, each level having 25 questions/statements.
How to play?
In the gameplay area, you will have two statements or questions, one will be correct, and one will be wrong.
You will have 20 seconds to prove your knowledge or just try your luck, because even if you don`t know the answer, you will still have 50% chances of winning, right? When 5 seconds are left on the countdown, if your sound is on, you will be warned.
Each correct answer will bring you 5 points into your total score, and for each wrong answer, 3 points will be cut from the total score ( Pay attention! :) ).


American Trivia app for Android

