
Meet Up - Creative Class London - 20th feb

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But back with a vengeance and determined to bring something useful, fun, though provoking every month this year. A new format so not just "training" but bringing in speakers from industry to share their wealth of experience with us all


This month we have 3 speakers / sessions and maybe even some free beer !!


We have our regular favourite - Tony Harmer _ from Adobe coming in to present


At Least Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Creative Cloud

You’ve probably either had your nose so close to the grindstone to notice what your Creative Cloud account actually includes, or you’ve decided to listen to nay-sayers and not bothered to look. Your FOMO alarm should be ringing really loud—there are many features and benefits that are overlooked and they could be saving you time and money. In this session @tonyharmer from Adobe will reveal a minimum of ten amazing CC facts, features and functions that you probably didn’t even know were there.

and also

Michael Murdoch - The House

Title: How to write a killer brief?

Description: Join Michael Murdoch, Founder of The House branding and communications agency, as he shares over 15 years experience collaborating with clients and partners to deliver fantastic brands, animations, films, websites and apps. Michael has worked with organisations of all sizes such as the NHS, MTV, Fairtrade, Diabetes UK, Boots and Nokia to smaller start-ups like Olive Branch, Mixcloud and Readwave. In this workshop you’ll discover the best ways to write the creative brief, the key questions to ask, hiccups to avoid along the way and the most effective way to deliver great projects.

Tassos Koutlas - Cameron&Wilding

Title: Bridging the gap between atomic design and the editorial experience. Keeping both designers and content editors happy through a modern CMS.

Description: In this talk we will explore the way atomic design principles can expand into a content management system with a componetised content model. Through the model editors have an number of content components that can mix and match creating dynamic templates. The use of components result in systems that offer more opportunities to incorporate new design and development paradigms. Coupling the delivery methodology into an agile process such as SCRUM allows for fully cross functional teams with content, design and coding all happening at the same time giving organisations maximum control over their budgets and delivery times.

Sound good?
