Rufus Martin Set Designer


My university, Wimbledon College of Arts, trains all the individuals that a film needs in its art department - Set Design For Screen, Costume Design, Costume Interpretation and Technical Arts and Special Effects - and each course turns out staggering work. Yet these achievements are viewed individually, lacking context. For my final piece, I wanted to combine these separate courses, their talents and skills, into one project, where our ideas and designs could inform each other to make a fluid and holistic whole. I chose the Baroque period for its ability to challenge all areas of the art department and demand high quality work from us all. Together, utilising world building theory, we created a film set in 1715 Late Baroque England. To provide the necessary film crew and actors, I got in touch with acting school LAMDA, who facilitated an advantageous cross-educational collaboration, becoming the larger half of our project.


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