MBAstack London


Digital Dave is a holographic O2 Digital Advisor, created to persuade O2’s top target business clients to switch to O2.

O2’s key USP to these clients is that each gets a dedicated Digital Advisor, to help them find the latest tech solutions for business.

The DM pack was sent to the key decision-maker at each target business. When opened, a holographic Digital Advisor – Dave – appeared inside the box, and explained why they should switch to O2.

By creating bespoke content for every prospect, Dave could greet each target client by name and tell them what O2 could do to help their business specifically.

So far, the campaign has achieved a 22% response rate.

Credits: Client: O2; Agency: MBA; ECD: Graham Kerr; Creatives: Tom Howard, Mark Wilson, Jack Gallon, Debbie Leighton; Director of Planning: James Devon; Planner: Caitlin Evans; Designer: Joss Dickinson; Production: Matt Hitchcock, Vicky Kioutsouki, Rodrigo Marquez


  • O2Client

Who pooled - Digital Dave - The Personalised Hologram, for O2