Ardmore Belfast


We’ve been thrilled to be working with Woking Borough Council on their #WEAREWOKING campaign, highlighting the major transformation taking place in Woking town centre. Backed by an investment of £460 million and a commitment to kick-start a new era of ambition, growth and prosperity for everyone, a new destination is taking shape.

When we say #WEAREWOKING, we become part of something bigger, celebrating Woking’s community as a collective of individuals building and working together.

The campaign has been promoted through various channels including social media, PR, outdoor advertising and on the ground engagement visits with local businesses and retailers.

We were delighted to launch #WEAREWOKING’s brand new website in early November, bringing the community together, highlighting key events and news in the town and showcasing the transformation and overall journey Woking is going on.


  • Woking Borough CouncilClient

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