Creativepool connects you to the best the creative industry has to offer.

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Hire the best
industry talent

Creativepool is the most awarded niche talent attraction tool in any industry. At our core is our community of super talented creative professionals looking for the next opportunity.

Approved professional freelancers

Post your studiogig for free and pay no commission, receive proposals from hand-picked studiopros, negotiate direct and get your job done by the top 5% in industry talent.


Reach the world’s best agencies

Take the uncertainty out of finding creative services. Post a studiobrief and receive applications from vetted agencies for 0% commission and $0 commitment.

For agencies

Creativepool is your all-in-one business critical partner. Promote your work, distribute your content, attract leads, discover talent, get awarded and much more.

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For creative
industry talent

Join the creative industries most exclusive community. Showcase your work, apply for vetted jobs and gigs, get connected, keep up to date with industry opportunities and more...

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Re-imagining the awards sector

The Annual is the final word on industry creativity. With a suite of innovations not paralleled in any other industry award, The Annual showcases the best creative from across the globe.


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