William Richards Designer /​ Fabricator


Obelisk is a pop-up Water dispenser for events. ‘The most common injury we face at events is dehydration’ Andrew Craig – Paramedic. Obelisk provides quick, high-pressure bottle refills for up to 4 people at once without using electronics. Reducing queues and wait times, helping prevent cases of dehydration at events. By advertising free refills, Obelisk helps promote the re-use of plastic bottles, rather than throw away plastics.

Designed to be a lightweight & stackable, the product is easy for transportation, distribution and setup. The design takes influence from Egyptian obelisks. The towering height design means that it visibly stands out above the crowd to give a clear indication as to where the water refill stations are located. The size of the sock also offers a prime advertising location.


Best Collaborative Project Ravensbourne - Nominated


Obelisk Water

