Bloomberg New York


More and more, Bloomberg’s audiences are doing business, accessing information and communicating digitally and in real-time — not just digesting news, but participating in it. We saw that we could reinvent how we bring our brand of news to the world and that we would need a corresponding marketing campaign to illustrate the changes taking place.

Technically, the new site had to be uniquely digital, built for a global web audience — not simply news living on a website — and designed to deliver the right news at the right time on any
device. In the end, we believed that the “Business is…” campaign needed to leave the audience with the belief that Bloomberg Business doesn’t just deliver the news; we needed to prove that the site features smart stories — both local and global — that really matter, when and how audiences need them, with relevant context and thoughtful reporting that goes broader and deeper than the headlines.

From an interactive, experiential perspective, we developed the idea of the “business of things” to highlight the insight and hidden stories behind products and services we use every day. First we created a book, informed by Bloomberg intelligence and insight, to take a closer look at some of the things we encounter each day and discover a less-expected side of business. We also built a pop-up shop for our U.S. and London launch receptions. At these temporary shops, we displayed commonly used products — laundry detergent, toothpaste, canned salmon, bottled water — with accompanying stories to showcase more hidden, unexpected business stories. Finally, we created a series of data-based, vinyl infographics and placed them across nine NYC locations of the Swedish coffee shop, FIKA, and seven boutique NYC gyms.


Annual 2016 WinnerThe stories behind the things you buyExperiential Project featured: on 8th October 2020 Contributor:

Bloomberg has been a Contributor since 4th October 2016.

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The stories behind the things you buy

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