Luke Toddfrey Videographer & Photographer


Combination Dance hosted a one day workshop to explore the theme of Time and create some dance sequences with the participants. We were there to document the event.

Anne Marie Smalldon, the choreographer led a warm up with professional dancers, Thomas McCann and Chloe Mead. The dancers were then invited to share their ideas on the concept of time and how it relates to them individually. This was the basis of the sequences that were then developed throughout the day.

As there wasn’t a live audience, the resulting performance was straight for the camera. This enabled us to create a video that has been well received by all involved.
The video was used for marketing purposes and to archive the event. A one minute cut of the video was shared on Instagram and the full video shared on other social media platforms. Participants were encouraged to share on their shared on social media feeds.


Who pooled - Time