Emma Youell Freelance Motion Graphics Designer


Graduate recruitment is the lifeblood of AlphaSights' business model. We compete against some of the biggest consultancies, banks and corporations in the world to recruit the top 1% of business graduates and our Customer Service teams (CST) work alongside clients to pitch tailored solutions and lead projects from day 1. Every year we hire hundreds of graduates, offering them one of the quickest paths to management in business. It's a fast-paced, target driven environment, where ambitious, self-motivated people thrive.

As AlphaSights continues to grow, it’s become increasingly important to stand out from the crowd and promote ourselves as a great place to start your careers. The in-house Marketing team was therefore tasked with delivering an eye-catching advertising campaign to promote our 2022 graduate intake.

• Engage final year university students and recent graduates looking for their first role in business.
• Increase general awareness of AlphaSights as a business
• Entice candidates to apply for a role, particularly in Customer Service
* Accurately reflect the working culture at AlphaSights and reality of working here

The Communications team worked hard with leadership to develop a clear employee value proposition: ‘Go further, faster.’ This reflected a clear USP for AlphaSights and offered long-term scalability across multiple campaigns and marketing materials.

Using this agreed EVP, the design team worked on several different visual approaches, trying to find a balance between something that was creative and attention grabbing, but also reflected the professional nature of AlphaSights' business model.

Eventually we hit upon the idea of using chevrons as a hero graphic to emphasise the idea of continuous upward trajectory at high speed. This seemed like a good metaphor for the fast-paced nature of a career at AlphaSights and offered lots of creative potential. We combined these chevron with carefully curated photography of young professionals running or leaping forwards to emphasise the dramatic, acclerated ‘leap’ from full time education into professional employment. Careful consideration was also given to the directional use of the chevrons, how they animated in motion, diversity of photography, and the overall TOV.

The concept was rolled out in a phased series of digital banners, adverts, animations and swag, primarily across organic and paid media channels. Particular focus was given to social media platforms where AlphaSights receives the majority of its online engagement, as well as a series of paid Google ads and national media outlets who ran the adverts during peak recruiting season.

• The campaign became the most viewed & engaged social media programme in AlphaSights’ history
• 2500+ views across all social media channels
• 350+ ‘likes’ online
• 50+ reposts
• Notable increase in applications for the 2022 intake
• Multiple full time hires made directly from the campaign
• Approved planning to begin for a 2023 campaign utilising the same proposition


  • AlphaSightsClient
Project featured: on 18th April 2023

Go further, faster.

